At Tapper interiors we have been using a custom developed construction project app for roughly eighteen months now. It has changed the way we work for the better and we are eager to share our thoughts and findings with the rest of our industry.
Our Construction Project App
We helped develop our app with an independent app provider. It has been 100% custom made for us which makes it perfect for use on our projects.
Our construction app is used by our employees and contractors for various tasks that we would have previously done manually. The app has saved lots of extra phone calls, emails and rifling through files for various pieces of paperwork.
Uses of our Construction App
Risk Assessments – the app provides a risk assessment for jobs on large sites which a user will have to access and accept before they can continue with the job.
Documents – our app can access all of our important documents, this includes: RAMs (risk assessment method statements) and any employee certifications. This means that if a client wants to see any of these documents, they can be accessed easily by the workers onsite rather than having to call into the office to have them emailed over.
Monitoring Contractors/ Workers hours – rather than using time sheets, which can get lost or end up inaccurate, our employees can simply sign into a job when they get there and sign out when they leave. This then creates a digital time sheet for them which can be access by the office. So not only are we reducing our paper usage, but it is also more efficient as all time sheets can be accessed by our contracts manager and accounts department – no-one has to be tracked down to hand in a timesheet!
Tool Inventory – our construction project app also has a tool inventory. Within this section we can assign tools to a particular worker, this way we know where something is – and where it last was if we are unable to locate it. This has saved us many phone calls looking for items.
Photographs – the app also has an option to take photos of jobs. We can take before and after photos which are great to use in our marketing. The photos also provide a record of what has been constructed should we require proof at a later date.
Would we Recommend Using an App if you’re in this industry?
Yes – we would.
Using our construction project app has saved us a lot of time and made us far more efficient.
There are many apps out there that can do what ours does, however, for what we need it for it has made more sense for us to go down the custom route.
We don’t need to use every aspect of some of the packaged apps available, but there are specific aspects we do require. Going custom made means we can build in the sections we need and not pay for an aspect we would not use.
We are actually working with our app developer to push this further into the industry to help other organisations of our size.
If you are working in the construction industry and are thinking about using an app for any of the reasons we have stated above then please get in touch – we’d be happy to talk you though the process in more detail.
At Tapper Interiors we offer various types of commercial flooring when completing an interior fit out. Each different type of flooring is suitable for different buildings and sectors.
Types of Commercial Flooring
The types of commercial flooring we provide are suited to various industries. If you are making decisions on flooring for your interior fit-out, it may be worth contacting our specialists who can help you find the best solution for your project.
The types of commercial flooring we regularly provide are;
Carpet Tiles
Carpet tiles are individual tiles of carpet. They are a popular choice for commercial settings including classrooms and office spaces. Capet tiles are often selected for these types of interiors as they give a more comfortable homely feel and look than hard flooring types but they are still hard wearing and easy to clean.
Carpet tiles can be cut to size making them suitable for various sized spaces. They are far more hard wearing than a traditional carpet which you would use in the home. They can withstand heavy use which makes them a perfect choice for classrooms and offices where there will be many people walking on them wearing shoes. They are also great for sound absorption – another great reason to select them for schools and office.
Carpet tiles are easy to keep clean and replace if required. Because they are low pile, they rarely collect fragments which cannot be effectively vacuumed. They can also be easily replaced. Because they are tiles, there is the option to only replace one or two tiles is required.
Vinyl Flooring
Vinyl flooring is a hard flooring and extremely water resistant so it is often selected for interiors where it is likely to get splashed, for example kitchens, W.Cs, labs and clean rooms. Their water resistance also makes them very easy to clean which is also desirable for these environments.
Vinyl floors can be stylish and aesthetically pleasing whilst also being functional. It is durable, able to withstand a high footfall and cleaning regimes. When properly looked after, high quality vinyl flooring has been known to last between ten and twenty years.
Different areas will require different types of vinyl floors. We are able to provide non-slip vinyl floors which is especially well suited to areas where they may be multiple spills.
Painted Floors
Painted floors are a popular choice for showrooms and more industrial areas such as workshop floors. This can prolong the life of your floors and look more professional and stylish than bare concrete.
Opting for a painted floor can also be easier to keep clean than leaving untreated concrete as it stops the build-up of dust.
Floor paint comes in various types. We can offer anti-slip paint as well as abrasion resistant paint. Both of these are suitable for use where lots of traffic is expected.
Floor paint is extremely heavy duty making is suitable for warehouses and other areas where industrial stock/ materials are stored and moved. It’s also suitable for showrooms and it can withstand being driven on by vehicles without scratching or becoming damaged.
Entrance Mats
Entrance mats can be custom made and fitted into your interior. Because they are fitted at the same time as the flooring, entrance mats can fit flush into the floor.
Entrance mats can help create a professional first impression to your offices or educational building. They are great for limited the amount of moisture or dirt being carried further into the room.
Types of Commercial Flooring from Tapper Interiors
For more information on flooring take a look at our Flooring page on our website. If you have any questions about flooring for your project, please contact a member of our team.
Contact us today to start your Interior Fit-Out project.
Education & Health
Proud members of FIS
Tapper Interiors are proud members of FIS (Finishes and Interiors Sector) demonstrating our commitment to quality, safety, and continuous improvement. We have received many accolades over the years at the FIS Contractors Awards, for Drywall Construction, Ceilings, and Fit-Out.

Proud members of FIS
Tapper Interiors are proud members of FIS (Finishes and Interiors Sector) demonstrating our commitment to quality, safety, and continuous improvement. We have received many accolades over the years at the FIS Contractors Awards, for Drywall Construction, Ceilings, and Fit-Out.